
The Conference Buddy program is designed to increase the visibility and awareness of managed care pharmacy.   It matches student pharmacists or new practitioners with a seasoned managed care pharmacist.   Buddies typically spend at least thirty minutes together during the meeting discussing  managed care pharmacy, career pathways and roles, residencies/fellowships, AMCP involvement, and networking.

Discussion Questions

The following are a few questions you can use to help guide conversation.   Feel free to use your own as well!

To the mentee:

  • What does “managed care” mean to you, and what about it interests you?
  • What are your areas of interest, and what would you like to learn more about in the future?
  • What career path are you interested in within managed care pharmacy? Why?

To the mentor:

  • Discuss how AMCP has played a role in your career development
  • Share how you approach the AMCP meetings – how do you get the most out of the experience?
  • What do you wish you knew then that you could share with your mentee?
  • What challenges have you faced in your career path, and how did you overcome them?
  • Share your experience with AMCP and what it has meant to your career

Additional Resources

Tips for Mentors

  • Once matched, reach out to your mentee as soon as possible to introduce yourself and set up a time to meet. Since AMCP is virtual this spring, meetings can be via zoom or over the phone.   We ask that all meetings take place before the completion of the meeting on April 16, 2021.
  • Plan on meeting with them for at least thirty minutes.
  • Consider letting them shadow you if you have meetings set up that they could attend.
  • Suggested areas to discuss with your buddy:
    • How you got into managed care pharmacy
    • Your AMCP experience – what it has meant to your career
    • Inform them about AMCP resources at http://www.amcp.org/studentcenter/
    • How they can get the most out of their meeting experience
    • Challenges you faced in getting into and moving up in managed care pharmacy
    • What you wished you knew then that you know now!
  • Be sensitive to your role as a mentor.  As a senior managed care professional, they are looking to you for honest advice and feedback.
  • If you have to cancel your meeting – let your mentee know and reschedule if at all possible.  If you find you cannot serve as a mentor, let AMCP know so we can match your mentee with someone else.

Tips for Mentees

  • When your mentor contacts you, respond promptly.   If you have not heard from your mentor within the next few days, please reach out to them directly.
  • Be sure to provide your mentor with how to reach you and find out the best way to contact them.
  • Before you arrive at the meeting, look up your mentor on Google or LinkedIn – it may give you some ideas of questions you would like to ask them.
  • If you will be late or need to reschedule with your mentor, let them know immediately.
  • Be prepared for your meeting – think about anything you would like to ask ahead of time.
    • It’s okay to take notes at your meeting – just make sure they don’t interfere with your ability to engage with your mentor.
  • Be open-minded and willing to learn.  No matter who your mentor is, they have experience and expertise to share with you to make you a better professional.
  • Be respectful of your mentor’s time.  Remember, they may have other appointments or events they need to attend.
  • Connect with your mentor on LinkedIn after the meeting.
  • Be sure to follow up with a thank you to your mentor after the meeting and make plans for subsequent networking.